Friday, May 8, 2009

First Friday 5/1

I went and viewed the 'Rooted' show at Quirk Gallery, by Rita and Erin Root. My interpretation of this artwork was more or less impressed. I enjoyed the paintings of horses as they became more abstract throughout the show. I felt as though some of the portraits of these horses were a little repetitive by nature, and being somebody who has no experience with horses, I felt I interpreted the emotions of these large animals differently than the artist. In some respects, I can understand how these animals can be large and beautiful, but also after my experiences visiting rural Vermont numerous occasions throughout my lifetime, I view horses with a negative and smelly connotation. My experiences in Vermont allowed me to connect with the other work of decomposing animal parts because I witnessed many of these subjects first hands in the woods. I enjoyed the large beeswax sculpture of the deer head and thought much about it's presentation and why it was chosen to be as it was. Overall I felt a lot of animosity between the two sets of work, the beauty and the decomposition of animals, and yet I thought the show was cohesive and entertaining for the most part.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"Interstitial" Hassan Pitts

At first I believe I found “Interstitial” was rather terrifying in a sense, I never knew shaving could be so intense. I found myself captivated and although some could consider the content pointless, I also found myself trying to figure out the meaning behind this piece. I alleviated my curiosity by concluding the message I get from “Interstitial” has to involve personal identity and your emotions about identity as expressed by the staggering drone. Which leads me to my comment about how much I enjoyed watching your work, and enjoyed it’s environment placed in the little room upstairs. Being able to view a work isolated with the stereo blasting was an experience. I was impressed by the technical work overall and admire your audacity to be in front of the camera. As an artist I can find it offensive to have to give away the meaning behind a piece of work sometimes, but rather I hope you’ll find it complimentary that my curiosity is overwhelmed by your work and allow yourself to share with me your intent and inspiration behind “Interstitial”.