Saturday, May 2, 2009

"Interstitial" Hassan Pitts

At first I believe I found “Interstitial” was rather terrifying in a sense, I never knew shaving could be so intense. I found myself captivated and although some could consider the content pointless, I also found myself trying to figure out the meaning behind this piece. I alleviated my curiosity by concluding the message I get from “Interstitial” has to involve personal identity and your emotions about identity as expressed by the staggering drone. Which leads me to my comment about how much I enjoyed watching your work, and enjoyed it’s environment placed in the little room upstairs. Being able to view a work isolated with the stereo blasting was an experience. I was impressed by the technical work overall and admire your audacity to be in front of the camera. As an artist I can find it offensive to have to give away the meaning behind a piece of work sometimes, but rather I hope you’ll find it complimentary that my curiosity is overwhelmed by your work and allow yourself to share with me your intent and inspiration behind “Interstitial”.

1 comment:

  1. I will try and explain the piece....soon. but for right now I want to just say thank you for your comments. I like your thoughts on what I call immersion. Trying to envelope your audience, serving sight, sound and tactile stimulus- to experience something in a slightly less passive way than to look at something in a gallery under glass. There are different ways of making art and different ways to experience art. Try to remember this in both looking and viewing future works. Thanks again.
